Modification Yamaha XS 650 Chopper

Modification Yamaha XS 650 is grip ancient easy chopper. The tank is intended slim and match a little single seat dimensions and complete minimalist fender sissy bar simply to carry the fender. XS 650 significant machine deliberately highlighted. Several leave empty area between here and there. Down tube is docked to the engine, the back-bone is additionally low center bone complete with a gathering with the 2-cylinder engine and two exhaust maximized.

Modification Yamaha XS 650 Chopper

Modification Yamaha XS 650 Chopper. Muffler short left-right extreme. solely till the top of the machine. Motor in luxury red paint and tidy to finish the modification. Luxury within the blank check technique in some components. Gradient line conjointly includes pen strip compete as a specialty.
Mechanical brush pen, red, black and brown shades create it look elegant however faraway from the texture poser. within the tank, shut the lathe-shaped crown. Modification Yamaha XS 650 Chopper - Otomodification

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